by Jonathan HateleySize: H: 67cms x W: 44cms x D: 10cms (26" x 17" x 4")Hand Painted Bronze Resin Limited Edition of 12 on granite base. To order 3 - 5 monthsA poem inspired by Gaia's Srping Slumbers by Kit Duddy of Kitspoems -
Gaia's Spring Slumbers invites Blossom's arrival.
Winter's retreat induces flowers that rival;
Green growth offers nesting comforts a sleeper.
As Gaia ever dreamer in sleep slumbers deeper.
Cold winter's blanket thrown out with it's wind.
Sun's rays ever warming now tempting us to still in;
That the scents heralds summer will arrive 'ere she sleeps, mother Earth in her dream a watch she still keeps!